Loving God by Celebrating, Proclaiming, and Living the Gospel
Covenant of Grace Presbyterian Church desires to be a Gospel-centered, Gospel-driven and Kingdom-extending church. This year we hope to advance the Gospel through renewing the church.
Isaiah 61:1-3 says this: “The Spirit of GOD, the Master, is on me because GOD anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, Announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. GOD sent me to announce the year of his grace– a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies– and to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, Messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit. Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness” planted by GOD to display his glory.”
以賽亞書六十一章一至三節這樣說:「主耶和華的靈在我身上,因為耶和華膏了我,叫我傳福音給困苦的人;差遣我去醫治傷心的人,向被擄的宣告自由,向被囚的宣告釋放;宣告耶和華悅納人的禧年,和我們的 神報仇的日子;安慰悲哀的人,為錫安悲哀的人穿上裝飾,賜給他們華冠代替灰塵,喜樂油代替悲哀,讚美衣代替沮喪的靈,他們必稱為公義的橡樹,是耶和華栽種的,好使他自己得著榮耀。」
民數記 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 ESV
Announcements 報告
Some meetings are online 團契和崇拜網上聚會
Please email covenantgracechurch@gmail.com for the links and details
Saturdays @ 9am – Men’s Prayer Meeting弟兄祈禱會週六早上九時舉行。Wednesday’s @ 8pm – Women’s Prayer Meeting.姊妹祈禱會星期三晚上八時舉行。
Every Sunday @ 11:45am – Adult & Children’s Sunday School classes 成人及兒童主日學於崇拜後開始。
11/15@8pm – Friday BS meets –星期五查經組。
11/1 – College & Career Fellowship’s monthly meeting. 每月一次的大學及在職團契。
11/23 – English Fellowship BS英語團契查經。
11/23 @4pm Couples’ Fellowship 伉儷團契